Friday, November 6, 2020

Final Week of Fall

 So much for my wishful life always going to be this hectic? Shortly after Halloween, Tori the little smarty pants was able to fly through High School. She aged up into a beautiful young adult and insisted on jumping right into her culinary career. She just loves to be in the kitchen. Her and I are having a little trouble though. She somehow snuck into my garden was able to get her hands on some of my buds and I've caught her stoned a few times. We argued over it a few times, but she maintained her grades, graduated even faster than Ari, and is performing well at work. And she got it from MY garden, so how can I be mad at that?!

The girls aged up just before Thanksgiving. I was so grateful for that. I'm hoping they're more independent now that they're children. They were so clingy as Toddlers! Despite looking so similar, they're personalities seem to be almost polarizing. Gemma is so feminine and requires her hair to be just right. She seems to be more outgoing than Emma as well. Emma seems quiet, introverted, and likes clothes she can easily get active and messy in. I think it's going to be interesting to watch these two grow.

With the girls being older, and spending a good chunk of their day at school, it allowed me to focus on the garden and to get back into my woodworking. We also have the added income from Ari & Tori's jobs, plus when Tori isn't cooking, she's painting, my little creative Taurus. With all of this, we were able to earn just enough to have a house built that I fell in love with.

We decided to have our Thanksgiving in our old house. Tori of course cooked. The twins spent the day playing, I gardened and Ari went for a nice long jog. They were each allowed to invite their dads over and we had a beautiful family meal. I went out to a new club in town for a little while after everyone went to bed, searching for the next donor. I found a few candidates, but I'm fearing my goddess charm is waning. I'm going to have to get more creative if I want to continue this journey. 

We are just finishing our packing now and will be in the new house by next week. I'm excited!

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Rey del Sol

  Gemma's little one aged up. I was finally able to get them over to play with his cousin and have a little photo shoot in my new studio...